貌似刚拿到电脑是自己手动编译安装了vim 7.3,后来都是brew install vim最新版本。
今天vim出了点问题,发现系统上还有个vim 7.3,准备删除时就报Operation not permitted
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/vim/
rm: /usr/share/vim: Operation not permitted
Google下才知道Apple为了防止恶意软件破坏系统开启了System Intregrity Protection。
$ ls -lO /usr/share/vim
-rwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel restricted - Aug 2 22:36 /usr/share/vim
参考: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30768087/restricted-folder-files-in-os-x-el-capitan
- reboot
- as soon as you hear the “Mac sound” on the grey screen, press Cmd+R to enter Recovery mode
- Open Utilities->Terminal
- Run the command csrutil disable
- Reboot, you’ll land in the normal OS with SIP disabled
- do all the changes you’d like to do
- Reboot again
- as soon as you hear the “Mac sound” on the grey screen, press Cmd+R to enter Recovery mode
- Enable SIP with csrutil enable
- Reboot again
- done
重启 -> Command+R,进入恢复模式 -> 在终端通过csrutil disable
禁掉SIP -> 重启 -> 删除文件 -> 再通过Command+R,进入恢复模式 -> 通过 csrutil enable
启用SIP -> 再次重启
$ csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: enabled.